Stranded Deep Wiki
Tiger Shark
2015-01-25 00007
Full Name Tiger Shark
Species Shark
Health 200

The Tiger Shark is a type of shark encountered in Stranded Deep. They can be found living in shallow ocean biomes such as the Islands, Sand Plains and Shallows. Tiger sharks can be identified by their dull gray coloration, along with their distinctive stripes that run down the length of their body.


The tiger shark is one of three aggressive enemies encountered in the game, along with the great white and the marlin. When a tiger shark spots the player, it will slowly head towards them, pushing their raft in an attempt to bump them out or bite them if they are in the water. Once the player is knocked out of the raft, the tiger shark usually proceeds to swim away rapidly.

One must exercise caution when facing a tiger shark in open water; due to its speed coupled with the low visibility underwater, it is easy to lose track of the shark. After about three strikes from a weapon, the tiger shark will swim away momentarily before returning to attack the almost lightning speed that is difficult to counteract. If the player continues to strike at the shark with repeated swings, it will eventually attempt to swim out to open water to avoid further injury before returning much later.

When attacking, the tiger shark will take bites at the player, causing minor injuries. The tiger shark is also capable of dragging the player through the water and towards deeper parts, causing the player to bleed. If the player has a weapon equipped, they can fight the shark as they are being pulled around, which will eventually cause it to let go. Despite its intense aggressive behavior, the tiger shark will keep its distance if the player maintains eye contact with it (hovering the cursor over the shark). As of Update 0.04.H2 Tiger sharks will attack you when looking at them, if you initiated the fight.


Once the shark is killed, the player is then able to drag the corpse onto land to dissect it for food. Skinning it with any kind of knife will drop four pieces of shark meat: Four Large Meat, 3/2 Rawhides. This will provide the player with a substantial amount of food to last them for a while. The Rawhides will be able to allow the player to make leather using the Tanning Rack.


  • Tiger sharks are arguably the most dangerous enemy in Stranded Deep, due to their relentless aggression and speed of attack.
  • According to the save files, tiger sharks spawn with 200 health.
  • Crude axes are considered to be an effective weapon for hunting tiger sharks. Although machetes work just as well, they are more difficult to obtain than crude axes and cannot be crafted.
  • A tiger shark can be killed with exactly 10 hits from an axe.
  • As of v0.03.H2, the spawn chance of a tiger shark has been adjusted from 100% down to 30%.


  • There is a bug currently located in the game: once a tiger shark latches onto the player, it will drag the player back to the island. After releasing the player, it mysteriously seems to disappear, most likely shifting under the island.
  • It was possible to kill any shark while it was not within striking distance by holding down the 'use' button (LMB by default) after the initial strike. This also applied to most sea fauna, excluding small fish. It was also possible, however, to lose the shark's corpse if it went too far out at sea when it died.
    • As of v0.03.H2, this method has been patched, and is now ineffective.
  • Tiger sharks will attack the player's raft, even if they are neither in nor near it.


Version History

