Stranded Deep Wiki

The Seagull is an airborne creature in Stranded Deep. They are often found randomly flying around any island during the day.


Seagull is a passive flying creature. Seagulls are usually seen flying in flocks during the day, circling around the island. Sometimes they decide to land on various shore rocks for rest. If a player tries to come near a landed one, it will start to flee by flying away.

The player can kill and skin the seagull with a refined knife.


The easiest way to kill a seagull is by using a bird snare - simply place it down and one will eventually land on it.

Alternatively, the player can take a slightly more difficult approach - using ranged weapons to kill one. Killing a landed seagull is relatively easy as long as the player does not come too close. Killing a flying seagull is very difficult and is not recommended.

The player can also try to use melee weapons and tools to hunt them, but it is also difficult and not a recommended strategy.

