Stranded Deep Wiki
Dev console 09011

The developer console (version 0.90.11)

The developer console is a PC feature which can be used to retrieve system information and modify several game aspects. It can be opened by pressing the backslash key (\), and can only be accessed in singleplayer mode.


These are the available commands listed in game:

  • clear - Clears all command inputs on the console.
  • help
    • help list - Lists all public commands.
    • help (command name) - Gives you information on a specific command.
  • system - Displays your system's specifications.
  • options
    • options list - Displays the game's graphical settings.
  • fps
    • fps (true/false) - Shows/hides the FPS counter.
  • dev.log.dump - Saves the game log to a file in your desktop.
  • dev.log.view - Shows the game log in console.
    • dev.log.view (true/false) - Shows the game log in console with/without stack trace.
  • dev.log.clear - Clears the game log.
  • dev.die - Kills the player using it.
    • (true/false) - Enables/disables global reflections.
  • dev.capturemode
    • dev.capturemode (true/false) - Enables/disables capture mode.

Hidden commands[]

These commands are not listed in game but are still accessible:

  • dev.god - Toggles god mode for all players in the game.
  • dev.invincible - Toggles invincibility for all players in the game.
  • dev.time
    • dev.time (number between 0 and 24) - Sets time to the given number.
  • dev.timescale
    • dev.timescale (number greather than 0) - Sets time scale to the given number (only works in main menu). Default = 36.
  • dev.console
  • dev.debugaudio - Should return information about the audio manager, but it doesn't work.

Unassigned commands[]

These commands exist in the game's code, but are not assigned a keyword by default and can only be accessed by modifying the game files:

  • Save - Saves the game
  • ToggleGameUI - Toggles GameUI
  • TogglePlayerUI - Toggles PlayerUI
  • ToggleUI - Toggles both GameUI and PlayerUI


  • The help command says that you can specify a true/false parameter to show/hide each command's description alongside its keyword, however this doesn't work and it will show command descriptions regardless.
  • The options command says that you need to pass the list parameter for it to work, however it will work with any made up parameter as long as you don't leave it blank.
  • The dev.die command says that you can specify a true/false parameter to enable/disable it but it doesn't do anything and kills the player regardless.

